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Cybersecurity: Know More, Do More

Security Assessment

Security Assessment

How We
Can Help

A security risk assessment identifies, assesses, and implements key security controls across an organization. The main goal is to prevent security defects and vulnerabilities. Carrying out a risk assessment allows an organization to view the security portfolio holistically—from an attacker’s perspective. It supports managers in making informed resource allocation, tooling, and security control implementation decisions. Thus, conducting an assessment is an integral part of an organization’s risk management process.

Because security matters

security risk assessment process


Determine all critical assets of the technology infrastructure. Then define and document where sensitive data is created, stored, or transmitted by these assets. Create a risk profile for each.


Administer an approach to assess the identified security risks for critical assets. After careful evaluation and assessment, determine how to effectively and efficiently allocate time and resources towards risk mitigation. The assessment approach or methodology must analyze the correlation between assets, threats, vulnerabilities, and mitigating controls.


Define a mitigation approach and enforce security controls for each risk.


Implement tools and processes to minimize threats and vulnerabilities from occurring in your firm’s resources.

vulnerable to data breaches.

People outside your organization will host, handle, and maintain data on your behalf. The sub-processor will have access to your sensitive information, which leaves you vulnerable to data breaches.

plan of action

Knowledge is protection

A security assessment is a regular exercise that tests your organization’s security measures. This includes reviewing IT systems and business processes for vulnerabilities and recommending actions to reduce the risk of future attacks. Security assessments also help keep systems and policies up to date. Security breaches are so expensive that installing a security solution is not enough to stop them.
One of the main reasons for this is that people are the weakest link in the information security chain. Security assessments not only test your IT systems for vulnerabilities, but also help you identify high-risk employee behavior and take steps to better train your employees.
Many companies do not perform security assessments because they believe they are expensive or because they are unfamiliar with the process of conducting an assessment.


One step ahead

We will help you determine the right assessment for your company.


building your case

We will help you build a case study to validate and estimate your ROI.


achieving your goals

We will be with you every step of the way through the process.

Your part of our family

you are not alone

our professional services Include:

A security assessment should generally include two components:
Security assessment: A collaborative process that involves identifying security issues and their risk levels and developing plans to mitigate these risks.
Security Testing: The process of finding vulnerabilities in software programs or processes.
Conducting regular security assessments is the first step in creating a culture of constant security and vigilance.

Thing to consider with the Assessment

Our goal is to help people in the best way possible. This is a basic principle in every case and cause for success. contact us today for a free consultation. 


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